Off-Leash Dog Areas
February 5, 2025: Linda Off-Leash Dog Area is temporarily closed due to hazardous conditions. Public Works staff is monitoring site conditions to determine when the dog area may safely re-open.

Piedmont Park (creek area behind Community Hall)
Entrances at 711 Highland Avenue and 305 Wildwood Avenue. 15 acres of land including a community center, tot lot, lawn, two tennis courts, and creek. The large lawn is on-leash area for dogs. Bushy Dell Creek is an area of paved, hilly walking trails which parallel a wooded creek where dogs are allowed off-leash with a permit. A permit can be obtained through the Police Department. The direct entrance to the Creek is from Wildwood Avenue next to Witter Field. To the right of the softball field is a path leading directly to the dog run.
Dracena Quarry Park (pathway from Dracena Ave to Artuna Ave)
Entrances at the end of Artuna Avenue and at 130 Dracena Avenue. Eight acres of space including a children's play area and lawns in the lower area. The grassy lawns are on-leash. An off-leash dog run is in the upper area in the narrow Redwood Canyon. To enter the dog run directly, use the Dracena Avenue entrance.
Blair Park
Located on Moraga Avenue between Coaches Field and Maxwelton Road. It is a natural, un-landscaped area used mainly by dog owners. Parking is very limited.
Linda Park (within fenced off-leash area)
Open weekdays 7:00 am to 8:00 pm; weekends 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. Entrances on Linda Avenue and at Oakland & Sunnyside Avenues. There is an enclosed off-leash dog run which can be accessed from Linda Ave, Linda Ave & Lake Avenue, or Oakland Avenue & Sunnyside Avenue. A permit is required for the off-leash area.
Hampton Field (Piedmont Sports Field)
At the corner of La Salle Avenue and Hampton Road. Hampton Field includes tennis, volleyball, and basketball courts, as well as a baseball field, backboard, play structure and children's pre-school. Dogs are allowed on-leash only.
Crocker Park
At the corner of Crocker Avenue and Hampton Road. Crocker Park is a manicured jewel on just an acre of land, which features a shaded lawn area and beds of rhododendrons, camellias and ferns. Dogs are allowed on-leash only.
Obtaining a dog license and/or off-leash permit
Dog licenses and off leash permits are available from the Piedmont Police Department. View the department's Operations page for more information.