Grand Avenue pedestrian safety project

Summary: This project will make pedestrian safety improvements to the intersections of Grand Avenue with Linda Avenue and Greenbank Avenue, including:

  • bulb-outs
  • flashing beacons
  • high visibility crosswalk striping

The project will also add green infrastructure improvements at the intersection of Grand and Fairview.


  • Contract Awarded: Construction begins March 2025

Why this project?

The intersections of Grand/Linda and Grand/Greenbank were identified as two of the top ten priority locations for pedestrian safety enhancements in the City's 2021 Safer Streets Plan. These intersections were prioritized based on proximity to a school, being on an arterial street, and being part of a bike/bus route.

The planned improvements incorporated data-supported best practices in pedestrian safety.

Project Description

At the intersections of Grand/Linda and Grand/Greenbank, this project will install:

  • bulb-outs that extend approx. 6 feet beyond the curb, creating a shorter crossing for pedestrians and enhancing visibility for drivers and pedestrians

  • pedestrian activated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons, which can be use to alert vehicles that pedestrians are preparing to cross

Other improvements include repaving of each intersection, enhanced pavement markings, relocation of drainage inlets, relocation of a fire hydrant, and new pedestrian ramps.


  • 2022: City applies for an Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) grant to fund pedestrian safety improvements on Grand Avenue
  • City received $500,000 ACTC grant to support design and construction.
  • 2024: Design completed and project bid
  • 2025: Contract award

Documents & Meetings
