Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

This project will study the specific ways Piedmont could be impacted by natural disasters like earthquake, wildfires, and severe weather, then create a roadmap for what we can do now that would prevent or eliminate some of those impacts, if a disaster happens. 

Phases & Timeline | Events & Meetings | About Hazard Mitigation | Related Documents | Contact

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Help shape Piedmont's roadmap

Creating our mitigation strategy is a whole community process - your participation is critical! Help shape Piedmont's path forward by sharing your suggestions for steps you'd like to see the City take to mitigate risk from natural hazards over the next five years.

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Upcoming Events

Walking on Wednesdays: Wildfire Mitigation walking tour
March 12, 10:30am
Meet in front of the Exedra
Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee: Meeting #3
March 26, 1-4pm
Veterans Memorial Building, 401 Highland Avenue
Community Workshop: Mitigation Strategy
March 26, 5:30-7:30pm
Piedmont Community Hall, 711 Highland Avenue
Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee: Meeting #4
March 27, 9am-12pm
801 Magnolia Avenue, Piedmont

Phases and Timeline

Past Meetings and Events

About Hazard Mitigation

Local governments are required to update their Local Hazard Mitigation Plans every five years. This update provides an opportunity to assess any changes to the hazards Piedmont faces and to recommend projects to reduce risk.

Natural hazards, like earthquakes and wildfires, can cause loss of life and damage property and infrastructure. Mitigation is an investment in future safety and sustainability. By taking actions to reduce risk now, we can reduce losses later.

Having an updated Local Hazard Mitigation Plan increases community safety by providing a roadmap of actionable projects to reduce risks. An updated Plan also ensures Piedmont is eligible for state and federal disaster assistance and mitigation grants.

Related Documents
