Vision Statement
Climate change is a human-induced global crisis that is currently causing environmental, economic, and social misfortune and inequity. Ever mindful of the consequences this crisis poses for future generations, the residents of Piedmont recognize that we must all take action to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through electrifying homes, driving gasoline cars less, and purchasing goods and services more responsibly. By acting locally, our small city can make a contribution to a worldwide effort. Accordingly, the City of Piedmont has developed its second version of its Climate Action Plan (CAP) in a significant step toward achieving our greenhouse gas reduction goals.
Please click on the links below to learn more about:
The City of Piedmont's Climate Action Plan
Implementation of the Climate Action Plan
Upcoming Events and Current Projects
Previous Events
How you can make a change!
*If you are interested in signing up for Planning and Building's climate action newsletter, please click here.
The initial Climate Action Plan (PDF) was adopted by City Council in March of 2010. The CAP defines climate change and its potential effects, outlines actions the City and State are taking to address climate change, describes how residents and business owners can participate in greenhouse gas reduction efforts, details the City’s strategy to be consistent with applicable state regulations, and provides guidance to City officials and departments charged with implementing the measures and policies contained within the plan.
On March 19, 2018, City Council adopted the Climate Action Plan 2.0 (PDF). The CAP 2.0 was developed by City staff and a Climate Action Plan Task Force comprised of Piedmont residents with expertise in various aspects of climate solutions who were appointed by the City Council. While City staff researched the latest emissions reduction strategies and developed the draft CAP, the CAP Task Force provided review and advice throughout the process. View the March 19 staff presentation (PDF) or the abridged version of CAP 2.0 (PDF).
For more information on the public process that helped develop the draft plan, please contact the Planning & Building Department.
The purpose of the CAP 2.0 is to support current statewide climate efforts, provide a pathway for Piedmont to reduce GHG emissions 40% by 2030, and be on track to reduce emissions 80% by 2050. During their July 17, 2023 meeting, the City Council approved amendments to the CAP 2.0 establishing updated GHG reduction goals. The updated goals are as follows: to reduce GHG emissions 50% by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality no later than 2045.
CAP 2.0 objectives were developed in response to the results of Piedmont's GHG inventory. The main objectives fall within seven different areas: transportation, buildings and energy, adaptation, municipal, solid waste, water, and consumption. Measures were developed to support the objectives of the CAP 2.0 and include action items the City and community can take to achieve their goals.

The CAP 2.0 contains an implementation section that dives into estimating the costs of implementing climate action measures, the associated GHG emission reductions, and the resources needed for implementation. The implementation section also includes a plan to monitor progress on achieving CAP 2.0 goals. In addition to the City government and business owners, successful implementation of the CAP 2.0 will necessitate the active participation of Piedmont residents.
Monitoring & Evaluation: Greenhouse Gas Inventories
City staff provides periodic reports to the City Council on current implementation practices that were set forth in both versions of the CAP. In order to measure the success of implementation and the effect it has towards the City’s GHG reduction goals, City staff completes annual GHG emissions inventories.
The GHG inventory used in Piedmont is an in-boundary inventory, meaning that it only accounts for emissions inside the City. In order to account for all consumption Piedmonters do, we would need to use a consumption based inventory, like what the UC Berkeley CoolClimate Network has worked on.
You can read the GHG inventory and staff report from past years below. Inventories are completed two years after the calendar year. Additionally, you can view and read through the presentation staff delivered to the City Council.
Ava Community Energy Enrollment
Piedmont's municipal and residential accounts enrolled into Ava Community Energy’s (formerly East Bay Community Energy) 100% renewable energy service plan in November of 2018. Ava is a Community Choice Aggregator (CCA), which is a community- governed program authorized by California law in 2002, that pools the electric load of participating accounts for the purpose of purchasing and developing cleaner power at lower rates. The City and its residents being enrolled into a 100% renewable energy service plan will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions the City produces. For more information: Piedmont's Participation in Ava Community Energy (Ava) (PDF).
Energy Reach Code and Home Energy Assessment Policy Adoption
In February 2021, the City Council adopted energy reach codes designed to reduce natural gas usage in residential buildings. The reach code requires certain energy efficiency measures to be included in new construction and existing residential building renovations. Piedmont is one of the first cities in California to adopt reach codes for existing residential buildings. Concurrent with the reach codes, the Council adopted a Home Energy Assessment Policy requiring each person who sells or transfers an interest in real property to provide a Home Energy Score or a Home Energy Audit prepared in the past five years to potential buyers and the City. Learn more about the reach code and home energy assessment policy here.
Piedmont Climate Challenge
The City of Piedmont launched a platform, the Piedmont Climate Challenge, to help residents measure and reduce their carbon footprint. Residents can use the platform to learn about their household’s greenhouse gas emissions and to plan lifestyle changes to reduce their carbon footprint. Residents can also use the platform to have a friendly competition: which residents can reduce their Carbon footprint the most? Community organization Piedmont Connect is working with the City to tell residents about the platform and help them sign up. To sign up for the Piedmont Challenge platform, go here.
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Reach Codes - Community Forum and Workshops - Winter and Spring 2020
The City of Piedmont held a series of events to get input from the community about possible changes to the local building code. As of January 1, 2020, new statewide standards codified by the California Energy Commission (CEC) for building energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions have gone into effect. The new standards include more stringent energy efficiency requirements and solar panel installation for new residential buildings. The CEC is encouraging local governments to adopt local ordinances – “Reach Codes” - in order to meet higher standards for energy efficiency, which help achieve increased savings of energy and money, further reduce emissions, and support jurisdictions in their efforts to meet their Climate Action goals. The City heard residents’ thoughts as it considered possible code changes. Planning and Building Department Staff held four workshops for members of the building industry and residents to discuss possible changes with each other and the City, and give more detailed feedback. During these workshops, the City collected community input as it developed its final reach code recommendations to go to City Council. The City encouraged any interested residents and/or building industry contractors to attend the Forum and workshops and give their feedback.
Climate Challenge Platform Informational Event - Fall 2019
On November 7, 2019 in collaboration with Piedmont Connect, the City hosted an informational event to let residents know about the Climate Challenge Platform and encourage them to sign up. The event was held from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm at the Piedmont Community Hall. The film "Ice on Fire", produced and narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio was also screened at the Event. For more information, here is the Staff presentation given after the film screening (PDF).
Tasting a Sustainable Future: Piedmont Climate Action Fair & Reception - Spring 2019
On Wednesday, April 24, 2019, the City of Piedmont and Piedmont Connect hosted a fair and reception to celebrate Earth Day week. The event concentrated on the consumption, which comprises a large portion of emissions emitted in Piedmont. The fair-type event showcased different sectors of consumption: transportation, food, water, home energy, clothes, and waste. Attendees had the opportunity to learn how to purchase more sustainably, reduce their food waste, conserve water, travel greener, and electrify their homes. Representatives of the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD), Ava Community Energy (Ava), Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), and StopWaste, as well as members of Piedmont’s community and City staff were present to share resources and information.
Energy Efficiency Community Workshop - Fall 2018
On November 8, 2018, the City hosted a community workshop “How to Achieve Climate Action Goals at Home: Energy Efficiency.” The intent of this workshop was to help residents determine how they can achieve climate action goals at home while also learning more information about Piedmont’s new Community Choice Aggregate (CCA), Ava. The workshop included presentations from Ava Community Energy (Ava), StopWaste, and Community Energy Services Corporation (CESC). The presenters guided residents and students on how to make their homes more efficient as well as answer many questions about Ava. For more information, here are the presentations by StopWaste (PDF), Ava (PDF), and CESC (PDF).
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There are a multitude of ways to reduce your carbon footprint, some of which you are already doing or have done: recycling, composting, consuming responsibly, improving home energy efficiency, installing energy efficient appliances, replacing your landscapes with drought-friendly landscaping, driving a hybrid or electric vehicle, walking to work, using LED light bulbs, and so on. To help you start or to do more, a list of available programs are provided below through links and helpful handouts:
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Climate Data
Electricity Sources: Piedmont's electricity is supplied by Ava Community Energy (Ava), a Community Choice Aggregator operating in Alameda County. Residents can switch to any of the service plans listed below, or opt out of Ava service and use PG&E as a supplier.
Total Piedmont Electricity Accounts: |
4,037 |
Ava Bright Choice accounts: |
197 |
Ava Brilliant 100 accounts: |
94 |
Ava Renewable 100 accounts: |
3,546 |
PG&E accounts: |
~200 |
Electricity Use: Electricity to residential homes in Piedmont is largely renewable, as 93% of households are on Ava's Renewable 100 plan (see above).
Year |
Total aggregate electrical usage in kWh for residential customers. |
2018 |
2020 |
2021 |
25,719,137 |
Solar Installations: Between 2001 and 2022, there were more than 650 solar projects that were approved or finaled by the City’s Building Department.
Natural Gas Use: Natural gas is one of the largest sources of emissions inside Piedmont.
Year |
Residential Natural Gas usage (Therms) |
2015 |
2,418,450 |
2016 |
2,553,383 |
2017 |
2,660,336 |
2018 |
2,665,857 |
2019 |
2,757,352 |
2020 |
2,724,573 |
2021 |
2,752,595 |
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