Make your home more wildfire resistant

In a wildfire, most property damage is caused by fire that spreads from house to house. You can protect your property and our community by taking steps to harden your home against wildfires.

The actions listed below reduce the vulnerability of your property in the event of a wildfire.

Need to know

  • Each of the actions listed below that you take on your property can help save money on your insurance, through the California Department of Insurance's Safer from Wildfires program.

What you can do

First Steps

These are low-cost, impactful actions that can be completed quickly.

Install vents resistant to embers and fire

Cover exterior vents with 1/16 to 1/8 inch non-combustible, corrosion-resistant metal mesh screens.

Enclose your eaves

Install soffits under your eaves with non-combustible or ignition resistant materials.

Install 6 inches of non-combustible material at the bottom of exterior walls

Minimum of 6 vertical inches measured from:

  • Ground up
  • Any attached horizontal surface, like a deck

Non-combustible materials include: brick, stone, fiber-cement siding or concrete.

Bigger projects

These steps are more costly and make require planning and permits across a longer timeline. Start thinking now about when or how you can incorporate these measures.

Install a Class-A fire rated roof

Most roofs qualify:

  • asphalt shingles
  • concrete, brick, or masonry tiles
  • metal shingles or sheets

Wood shake singles are not fire resistant

Create a 5-foot ember resistant zone ("Zone 0")

Install stone or decomposed granite 5 feet around your home and remove any vegetation or wood chips. Replace wood fencing that connects to your home with metal.

Upgrade your windows

Use multi-paned glass or add shutters.

Remove combustible sheds and other outbuildings

Do not have any combustible buildings within 30 feet of your home. Includes:

  • Sheds
  • Gazebos
  • Accessory dwelling units (ADUs)
  • Open covered structures with a solid roof
  • Dog houses
  • Playhouses

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