Watch Mayor Cavenaugh's State of the City
Posted on 07/15/2024

Mayor Cavenaugh’s State of the City address now online

Published May 17, 2024

Mayor Cavenaugh’s State of the City address is now available for viewing on the City’s YouTube channel and playing on KCOM at 1pm and 5pm daily.

A celebration of shared love for Piedmont, Cavenaugh began by recalling the many things that make our city special – the beauty of our public spaces, exceptional public services and schools, and a caring, generous community. During the presentation, the Mayor noted a number of significant accomplishments of the past year across a broad span of work areas, including:

  • Expansion of the public safety camera and Automated License Plate Reader programs

  • Launch of new digital services, including online planning and building permits and a near real-time Police incident map

  • Pedestrian safety improvements on Oakland Avenue

  • New and expanded flexible after-school and summer care options from Recreation Department

Cavenaugh spoke frankly about the challenges facing Piedmont, from regional issues like rising crime and housing costs, to the local impacts of climate change, to the growing demands on local government as leaders work to address the City’s aging infrastructure, incorporate new technologies into operations, and operate under an increasingly complex array of mandates and regulations with a lean staff.

Cavenaugh stressed her optimism in spite of these challenges, saying, “I stand before you with unwavering confidence in Piedmont’s future. We possess all the necessary ingredients – the vision, the leadership, and most importantly, the partnership with our most important resource, our incredible residents – to not only overcome these hurdles, but to thrive.”

She went on to highlight the many ways City leaders are working to position Piedmont for a brighter future, including investing in infrastructure and long-term financial planning, finding new ways to partner with and support schools and families, planning for new housing in Moraga Canyon, developing new digital services, and enhancing emergency response capabilities through a modernized 9-1-1 dispatch center with augmented staffing.

The Mayor concluded by emphasizing the essential role community members play in keeping Piedmont moving forward, from Commissions and Committees who offer advice and guidance to staff, to volunteers who organize community events like Harvest Festival, Food Fest, and the 4th of July Parade, to residents who generously provide financial support both at the ballot box and through civic fundraising organizations PBF, PRFO, and PEF.

Cavenaugh ended with a call to action, urging residents to continue engaging with City Hall. “I know that together we can build a future for Piedmont that retains everything we fell in love with while making it better. So please, stay engaged. Fill out surveys, volunteer, apply to serve on a Board or Commission…Because we need you. You are Piedmont’s superpower.”

Watch the address at