Schoolmates Survey: Help inform afterschool care offerings
Posted on 05/18/2023

Schoolmates Survey: City Seeking Input on Afterschool Care Programs

Published May 31, 2023

Help the Piedmont Recreation Department better understand how we can support the childcare needs of families in our community by completing a brief online survey.

This survey is an opportunity for families and caregivers to let us know how well current afterschool care offerings meet your needs. City staff and the Recreation Commission’s Schoolmates Subcommittee will use the information gathered to shape future programming for afterschool childcare.      

The survey asks families who have participated in Schoolmates to share feedback on their experience with the program and registration process, and for all Piedmont families weigh in on:

  • overall satisfaction with current afterschool care options in Piedmont
  • your afterschool childcare needs and how often your needs change
  • your top priorities when selecting an afterschool childcare program

The survey is available at and will remain open through June 19, 2023. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete. Please share widely with families in your network.

Survey part of larger effort to improve afterschool childcare offerings

This survey is one part of the City’s ongoing work to improve, expand and better align overall afterschool care offerings for Piedmont families. In September 2022, the Recreation Commission formed a subcommittee to review Schoolmates ability to meet the demands of families for childcare in Piedmont, consisting of Commissioners Jenny Feinberg, Aamir Virani, Becca Posamentier and Recreation Supervisor Katrina Morris.

After researching afterschool programs in other communities and inviting in-person feedback at Commission meetings, the subcommittee is now looking to hear directly from a wider group of families via the online survey.

Current Recreation Department afterschool offerings include the Schoolmates program at all three elementary school sites, the Minimates program for Transitional Kindergartners at Havens and Beach, and classes spanning a broad range of subjects, from carpentry to creative arts to taekwando.

For questions about the survey or Schoolmates programs, contact Recreation Supervisor Katrina Morris at [email protected].