Apply by February 28 to serve on a Commission or Committee
Posted on 02/05/2025

Apply by February 28 to serve on a Commission or Committee

Published January 31, 2025

Applications are now open for appointed volunteer positions on six City Commissions or Committees – the Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee, Civil Service Commission, Park Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Committee, and Recreation Commission.

Serving in these volunteer positions is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the inner workings of City government. As a Commissioner, you’d help shape City programs, policies and services by providing a valuable resident perspective on upcoming and proposed projects. Learn more about the work Commissioners do by watching past meetings on the City’s online video archive.

Apply online

Apply online by February 28 at

Key Dates for Applicants

Applicants must be available for a pre-appointment interview with the City Council and a mandatory in-person training at City Hall before assuming their position.

  • Applications Due: Friday, February 28 5pm
  • Mandatory interviews: Monday, March 10 (evening)
  • Required Brown Act Training: Monday, March 31 (evening)
  • Appointments effective: Tuesday, April 1*

Available Positions: Duties and Meeting Schedule

For most bodies, members are appointed to 3-year terms, with a limit of two consecutive terms. The following table provides details about available vacancies.

Commission/ Committee


(# of Incumbents Eligible to Reapply)


Budget Advisory and Financial Planning Committee

Studies and provides recommendations on annual budget, long-term financial projections, mid-year budget adjustments, and the City’s municipal services tax rate and renewal.

3 (2)

As needed

Civil Service Commission

Deals with personnel issues including classification and serves as the hearing board in disputes between the City and employees.

2 (1)

As needed

Park Commission

Advises on issues related to public parks and street trees.

3 (3)

Monthly on first Wednesdays, 5:30pm.

Planning Commission

Advises on issues related to planning and building. Makes decisions regarding proposed modifications or construction to homes. Requires approximately 4 hours per month in addition to meeting time.

3 (2)

Monthly on second Mondays, 5:30pm.

Public Safety Committee

Advises on issues related to crime reduction and disaster preparedness.

2 (2)


Recreation Commission

Advises on issues regarding recreation programs, sports field development, allocations of field space and other issues.

2 (1)

Monthly on third Wednesdays, 7:30pm.

* Effective date for Budget Advisory & Financial Planning Committee appointment is July 1.